Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package us.nlm.vsac#0.21.0 (141 ms)
Package | us.nlm.vsac |
Type | ValueSet |
Id | Id |
FHIR Version | R4 |
Source | |
Url | |
Version | 20240627 |
Status | active |
Date | 2024-06-27T01:15:11-04:00 |
Name | SensoryStatus |
Title | Sensory Status |
Experimental | False |
Realm | us |
Authority | hl7 |
Purpose | (Clinical Focus: This set of values addresses terms representing Sensory Status.),(Data Element Scope: The intent of this set of values is to identify patients who have a/an provides information about the patient’s ability to see, hear, smell or feel. .),(Inclusion Criteria: Includes ICD10CM codes for Sensory Status.),(Exclusion Criteria: Terms not representative of observable encoded terms that may have values indicating Sensory Status.) |
Resources that use this resource
Resources that this resource uses
"resourceType" : "ValueSet",
"id" : "2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1222.708",
"meta" : {
"versionId" : "11",
"lastUpdated" : "2024-06-27T01:15:11.000-04:00",
"profile" : [
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueContactDetail" : {
"name" : "MCC eCare Plan Author"
"url" : "",
"valueString" : "MCC_IG"
"url" : "",
"valueDate" : "2024-06-27"
"url" : "",
"valueDate" : "2024-06-27"
"url" : "",
"identifier" : [
"system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
"value" : "urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1222.708"
"version" : "20240627",
"name" : "SensoryStatus",
"title" : "Sensory Status",
"status" : "active",
"date" : "2024-06-27T01:15:11-04:00",
"publisher" : "HL7 Patient Care WG Steward",
"jurisdiction" : [
"coding" : [
"system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
"code" : "US"
"purpose" : "(Clinical Focus: This set of values addresses terms representing Sensory Status.),(Data Element Scope: The intent of this set of values is to identify patients who have a/an provides information about the patientâs ability to see, hear, smell or feel. .),(Inclusion Criteria: Includes ICD10CM codes for Sensory Status.),(Exclusion Criteria: Terms not representative of observable encoded terms that may have values indicating Sensory Status.)",
"compose" : {
"include" : [
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
"value" : "H53"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
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"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
"value" : "H91"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
"value" : "H90"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
"value" : "R43"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
"value" : "G46.6"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
"value" : "G60"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
"value" : "G61"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
"value" : "G62"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
"value" : "G63"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
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"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
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"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
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"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
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"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
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"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
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"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
"op" : "is-a",
"value" : "S84.2"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"filter" : [
"property" : "concept",
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"expansion" : {
"identifier" : "urn:uuid:fb0f8c11-6be9-45c3-8e4f-d644fb9936e0",
"timestamp" : "2024-12-10T08:31:38-05:00",
"total" : 379,
"contains" : [
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G46.6",
"display" : "Pure sensory lacunar syndrome"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G60",
"display" : "Hereditary and idiopathic neuropathy"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G60.0",
"display" : "Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G60.1",
"display" : "Refsum's disease"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G60.2",
"display" : "Neuropathy in association with hereditary ataxia"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G60.3",
"display" : "Idiopathic progressive neuropathy"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G60.8",
"display" : "Other hereditary and idiopathic neuropathies"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G60.9",
"display" : "Hereditary and idiopathic neuropathy, unspecified"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G61",
"display" : "Inflammatory polyneuropathy"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G61.0",
"display" : "Guillain-Barre syndrome"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G61.1",
"display" : "Serum neuropathy"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G61.8",
"display" : "Other inflammatory polyneuropathies"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G61.81",
"display" : "Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuritis"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G61.82",
"display" : "Multifocal motor neuropathy"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G61.89",
"display" : "Other inflammatory polyneuropathies"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
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"display" : "Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G62",
"display" : "Other and unspecified polyneuropathies"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G62.0",
"display" : "Drug-induced polyneuropathy"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G62.1",
"display" : "Alcoholic polyneuropathy"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G62.2",
"display" : "Polyneuropathy due to other toxic agents"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G62.8",
"display" : "Other specified polyneuropathies"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G62.81",
"display" : "Critical illness polyneuropathy"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G62.82",
"display" : "Radiation-induced polyneuropathy"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G62.89",
"display" : "Other specified polyneuropathies"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G62.9",
"display" : "Polyneuropathy, unspecified"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "G63",
"display" : "Polyneuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53",
"display" : "Visual disturbances"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.0",
"display" : "Amblyopia ex anopsia"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.00",
"display" : "Unspecified amblyopia"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.001",
"display" : "Unspecified amblyopia, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.002",
"display" : "Unspecified amblyopia, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.003",
"display" : "Unspecified amblyopia, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.009",
"display" : "Unspecified amblyopia, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.01",
"display" : "Deprivation amblyopia"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.011",
"display" : "Deprivation amblyopia, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.012",
"display" : "Deprivation amblyopia, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.013",
"display" : "Deprivation amblyopia, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.019",
"display" : "Deprivation amblyopia, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.02",
"display" : "Refractive amblyopia"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.021",
"display" : "Refractive amblyopia, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.022",
"display" : "Refractive amblyopia, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.023",
"display" : "Refractive amblyopia, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.029",
"display" : "Refractive amblyopia, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.03",
"display" : "Strabismic amblyopia"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.031",
"display" : "Strabismic amblyopia, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.032",
"display" : "Strabismic amblyopia, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.033",
"display" : "Strabismic amblyopia, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.039",
"display" : "Strabismic amblyopia, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.04",
"display" : "Amblyopia suspect"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.041",
"display" : "Amblyopia suspect, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.042",
"display" : "Amblyopia suspect, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.043",
"display" : "Amblyopia suspect, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.049",
"display" : "Amblyopia suspect, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.1",
"display" : "Subjective visual disturbances"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.10",
"display" : "Unspecified subjective visual disturbances"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.11",
"display" : "Day blindness"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.12",
"display" : "Transient visual loss"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.121",
"display" : "Transient visual loss, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.122",
"display" : "Transient visual loss, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.123",
"display" : "Transient visual loss, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.129",
"display" : "Transient visual loss, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.13",
"display" : "Sudden visual loss"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.131",
"display" : "Sudden visual loss, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.132",
"display" : "Sudden visual loss, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.133",
"display" : "Sudden visual loss, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.139",
"display" : "Sudden visual loss, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.14",
"display" : "Visual discomfort"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.141",
"display" : "Visual discomfort, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.142",
"display" : "Visual discomfort, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.143",
"display" : "Visual discomfort, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.149",
"display" : "Visual discomfort, unspecified"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.15",
"display" : "Visual distortions of shape and size"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.16",
"display" : "Psychophysical visual disturbances"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.19",
"display" : "Other subjective visual disturbances"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.2",
"display" : "Diplopia"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.3",
"display" : "Other and unspecified disorders of binocular vision"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.30",
"display" : "Unspecified disorder of binocular vision"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.31",
"display" : "Abnormal retinal correspondence"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.32",
"display" : "Fusion with defective stereopsis"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.33",
"display" : "Simultaneous visual perception without fusion"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.34",
"display" : "Suppression of binocular vision"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.4",
"display" : "Visual field defects"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.40",
"display" : "Unspecified visual field defects"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.41",
"display" : "Scotoma involving central area"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.411",
"display" : "Scotoma involving central area, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.412",
"display" : "Scotoma involving central area, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.413",
"display" : "Scotoma involving central area, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.419",
"display" : "Scotoma involving central area, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.42",
"display" : "Scotoma of blind spot area"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.421",
"display" : "Scotoma of blind spot area, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.422",
"display" : "Scotoma of blind spot area, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.423",
"display" : "Scotoma of blind spot area, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.429",
"display" : "Scotoma of blind spot area, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.43",
"display" : "Sector or arcuate defects"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.431",
"display" : "Sector or arcuate defects, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.432",
"display" : "Sector or arcuate defects, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.433",
"display" : "Sector or arcuate defects, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.439",
"display" : "Sector or arcuate defects, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.45",
"display" : "Other localized visual field defect"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.451",
"display" : "Other localized visual field defect, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.452",
"display" : "Other localized visual field defect, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.453",
"display" : "Other localized visual field defect, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.459",
"display" : "Other localized visual field defect, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.46",
"display" : "Homonymous bilateral field defects"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.461",
"display" : "Homonymous bilateral field defects, right side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.462",
"display" : "Homonymous bilateral field defects, left side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.469",
"display" : "Homonymous bilateral field defects, unspecified side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.47",
"display" : "Heteronymous bilateral field defects"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.48",
"display" : "Generalized contraction of visual field"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.481",
"display" : "Generalized contraction of visual field, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.482",
"display" : "Generalized contraction of visual field, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.483",
"display" : "Generalized contraction of visual field, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.489",
"display" : "Generalized contraction of visual field, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.5",
"display" : "Color vision deficiencies"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.50",
"display" : "Unspecified color vision deficiencies"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.51",
"display" : "Achromatopsia"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.52",
"display" : "Acquired color vision deficiency"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.53",
"display" : "Deuteranomaly"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.54",
"display" : "Protanomaly"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.55",
"display" : "Tritanomaly"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.59",
"display" : "Other color vision deficiencies"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.6",
"display" : "Night blindness"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.60",
"display" : "Unspecified night blindness"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.61",
"display" : "Abnormal dark adaptation curve"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.62",
"display" : "Acquired night blindness"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.63",
"display" : "Congenital night blindness"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.69",
"display" : "Other night blindness"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.7",
"display" : "Vision sensitivity deficiencies"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.71",
"display" : "Glare sensitivity"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.72",
"display" : "Impaired contrast sensitivity"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.8",
"display" : "Other visual disturbances"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H53.9",
"display" : "Unspecified visual disturbance"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54",
"display" : "Blindness and low vision"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0",
"display" : "Blindness, both eyes"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0X",
"display" : "Blindness, both eyes, different category levels"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0X3",
"display" : "Blindness right eye, category 3"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0X33",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 3, blindness left eye category 3"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0X34",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 3, blindness left eye category 4"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0X35",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 3, blindness left eye category 5"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0X4",
"display" : "Blindness right eye, category 4"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0X43",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 4, blindness left eye category 3"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0X44",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 4, blindness left eye category 4"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0X45",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 4, blindness left eye category 5"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0X5",
"display" : "Blindness right eye, category 5"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0X53",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 5, blindness left eye category 3"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0X54",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 5, blindness left eye category 4"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.0X55",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 5, blindness left eye category 5"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.1",
"display" : "Blindness, one eye, low vision other eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.10",
"display" : "Blindness, one eye, low vision other eye, unspecified eyes"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.11",
"display" : "Blindness, right eye, low vision left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.113",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 3, low vision left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.1131",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 3, low vision left eye category 1"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.1132",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 3, low vision left eye category 2"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.114",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 4, low vision left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.1141",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 4, low vision left eye category 1"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.1142",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 4, low vision left eye category 2"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.115",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 5, low vision left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.1151",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 5, low vision left eye category 1"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.1152",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 5, low vision left eye category 2"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.12",
"display" : "Blindness, left eye, low vision right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.121",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 1, blindness left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.1213",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 1, blindness left eye category 3"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.1214",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 1, blindness left eye category 4"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.1215",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 1, blindness left eye category 5"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.122",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 2, blindness left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.1223",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 2, blindness left eye category 3"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.1224",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 2, blindness left eye category 4"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.1225",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 2, blindness left eye category 5"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.2",
"display" : "Low vision, both eyes"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.2X",
"display" : "Low vision, both eyes, different category levels"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.2X1",
"display" : "Low vision, right eye, category 1"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.2X11",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 1, low vision left eye category 1"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.2X12",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 1, low vision left eye category 2"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.2X2",
"display" : "Low vision, right eye, category 2"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.2X21",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 2, low vision left eye category 1"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.2X22",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 2, low vision left eye category 2"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.3",
"display" : "Unqualified visual loss, both eyes"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.4",
"display" : "Blindness, one eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.40",
"display" : "Blindness, one eye, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.41",
"display" : "Blindness, right eye, normal vision left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.413",
"display" : "Blindness, right eye, category 3"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.413A",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 3, normal vision left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.414",
"display" : "Blindness, right eye, category 4"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.414A",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 4, normal vision left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.415",
"display" : "Blindness, right eye, category 5"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.415A",
"display" : "Blindness right eye category 5, normal vision left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.42",
"display" : "Blindness, left eye, normal vision right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.42A",
"display" : "Blindness, left eye, category 3-5"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.42A3",
"display" : "Blindness left eye category 3, normal vision right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.42A4",
"display" : "Blindness left eye category 4, normal vision right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.42A5",
"display" : "Blindness left eye category 5, normal vision right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.5",
"display" : "Low vision, one eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.50",
"display" : "Low vision, one eye, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.51",
"display" : "Low vision, right eye, normal vision left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.511",
"display" : "Low vision, right eye, category 1"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.511A",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 1, normal vision left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.512",
"display" : "Low vision, right eye, category 2"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.512A",
"display" : "Low vision right eye category 2, normal vision left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.52",
"display" : "Low vision, left eye, normal vision right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.52A",
"display" : "Low vision, left eye, category 1-2"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.52A1",
"display" : "Low vision left eye category 1, normal vision right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.52A2",
"display" : "Low vision left eye category 2, normal vision right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.6",
"display" : "Unqualified visual loss, one eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.60",
"display" : "Unqualified visual loss, one eye, unspecified"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.61",
"display" : "Unqualified visual loss, right eye, normal vision left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.62",
"display" : "Unqualified visual loss, left eye, normal vision right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.7",
"display" : "Unspecified visual loss"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H54.8",
"display" : "Legal blindness, as defined in USA"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90",
"display" : "Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.0",
"display" : "Conductive hearing loss, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.1",
"display" : "Conductive hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.11",
"display" : "Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, right ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.12",
"display" : "Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, left ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.2",
"display" : "Conductive hearing loss, unspecified"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.3",
"display" : "Sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.4",
"display" : "Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.41",
"display" : "Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, right ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.42",
"display" : "Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, left ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.5",
"display" : "Unspecified sensorineural hearing loss"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.6",
"display" : "Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.7",
"display" : "Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.71",
"display" : "Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, right ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.72",
"display" : "Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, left ear, with unrestricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.8",
"display" : "Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unspecified"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.A",
"display" : "Conductive and sensorineural hearing loss with restricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.A1",
"display" : "Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, with restricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.A11",
"display" : "Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, right ear with restricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.A12",
"display" : "Conductive hearing loss, unilateral, left ear with restricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.A2",
"display" : "Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, with restricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.A21",
"display" : "Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, right ear, with restricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.A22",
"display" : "Sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, left ear, with restricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.A3",
"display" : "Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral with restricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.A31",
"display" : "Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, right ear with restricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H90.A32",
"display" : "Mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss, unilateral, left ear with restricted hearing on the contralateral side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91",
"display" : "Other and unspecified hearing loss"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.0",
"display" : "Ototoxic hearing loss"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.01",
"display" : "Ototoxic hearing loss, right ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.02",
"display" : "Ototoxic hearing loss, left ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.03",
"display" : "Ototoxic hearing loss, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.09",
"display" : "Ototoxic hearing loss, unspecified ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.1",
"display" : "Presbycusis"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.10",
"display" : "Presbycusis, unspecified ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.11",
"display" : "Presbycusis, right ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.12",
"display" : "Presbycusis, left ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.13",
"display" : "Presbycusis, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.2",
"display" : "Sudden idiopathic hearing loss"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.20",
"display" : "Sudden idiopathic hearing loss, unspecified ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.21",
"display" : "Sudden idiopathic hearing loss, right ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.22",
"display" : "Sudden idiopathic hearing loss, left ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.23",
"display" : "Sudden idiopathic hearing loss, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.3",
"display" : "Deaf nonspeaking, not elsewhere classified"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.8",
"display" : "Other specified hearing loss"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.8X",
"display" : "Other specified hearing loss"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.8X1",
"display" : "Other specified hearing loss, right ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.8X2",
"display" : "Other specified hearing loss, left ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.8X3",
"display" : "Other specified hearing loss, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.8X9",
"display" : "Other specified hearing loss, unspecified ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.9",
"display" : "Unspecified hearing loss"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.90",
"display" : "Unspecified hearing loss, unspecified ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.91",
"display" : "Unspecified hearing loss, right ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.92",
"display" : "Unspecified hearing loss, left ear"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "H91.93",
"display" : "Unspecified hearing loss, bilateral"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "R20.8",
"display" : "Other disturbances of skin sensation"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "R43",
"display" : "Disturbances of smell and taste"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "R43.0",
"display" : "Anosmia"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "R43.1",
"display" : "Parosmia"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "R43.2",
"display" : "Parageusia"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "R43.8",
"display" : "Other disturbances of smell and taste"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "R43.9",
"display" : "Unspecified disturbances of smell and taste"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "R44.8",
"display" : "Other symptoms and signs involving general sensations and perceptions"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.0",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve and pathways"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.01",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.011",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve, right eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.011A",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve, right eye, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.011D",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve, right eye, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.011S",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve, right eye, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.012",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve, left eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.012A",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve, left eye, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.012D",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve, left eye, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.012S",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve, left eye, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.019",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve, unspecified eye"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.019A",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve, unspecified eye, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.019D",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve, unspecified eye, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.019S",
"display" : "Injury of optic nerve, unspecified eye, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.02",
"display" : "Injury of optic chiasm"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.02XA",
"display" : "Injury of optic chiasm, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.02XD",
"display" : "Injury of optic chiasm, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.02XS",
"display" : "Injury of optic chiasm, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.03",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.031",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, right side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.031A",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, right side, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.031D",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, right side, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.031S",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, right side, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.032",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, left side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.032A",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, left side, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.032D",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, left side, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.032S",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, left side, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.039",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, unspecified side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.039A",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, unspecified side, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.039D",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, unspecified side, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.039S",
"display" : "Injury of optic tract and pathways, unspecified side, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.04",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.041",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, right side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.041A",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, right side, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.041D",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, right side, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.041S",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, right side, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.042",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, left side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.042A",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, left side, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.042D",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, left side, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.042S",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, left side, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.049",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, unspecified side"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.049A",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, unspecified side, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.049D",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, unspecified side, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S04.049S",
"display" : "Injury of visual cortex, unspecified side, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S44.5",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S44.50",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level, unspecified arm"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S44.50XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level, unspecified arm, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S44.50XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level, unspecified arm, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S44.50XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level, unspecified arm, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S44.51",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level, right arm"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S44.51XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level, right arm, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S44.51XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level, right arm, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S44.51XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level, right arm, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S44.52",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level, left arm"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S44.52XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level, left arm, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S44.52XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level, left arm, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S44.52XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at shoulder and upper arm level, left arm, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S54.3",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S54.30",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level, unspecified arm"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S54.30XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level, unspecified arm, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S54.30XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level, unspecified arm, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S54.30XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level, unspecified arm, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S54.31",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level, right arm"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S54.31XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level, right arm, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S54.31XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level, right arm, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S54.31XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level, right arm, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S54.32",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level, left arm"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S54.32XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level, left arm, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S54.32XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level, left arm, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S54.32XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at forearm level, left arm, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S74.2",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and thigh level"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S74.20",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and thigh level, unspecified leg"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S74.20XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and thigh level, unspecified leg, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S74.20XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and thigh level, unspecified leg, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S74.20XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and thigh level, unspecified leg, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S74.21",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and high level, right leg"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S74.21XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and high level, right leg, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S74.21XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and high level, right leg, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S74.21XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and high level, right leg, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S74.22",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and thigh level, left leg"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S74.22XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and thigh level, left leg, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S74.22XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and thigh level, left leg, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S74.22XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at hip and thigh level, left leg, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S84.2",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S84.20",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level, unspecified leg"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S84.20XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level, unspecified leg, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S84.20XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level, unspecified leg, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S84.20XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level, unspecified leg, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S84.21",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level, right leg"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S84.21XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level, right leg, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S84.21XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level, right leg, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S84.21XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level, right leg, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S84.22",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level, left leg"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S84.22XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level, left leg, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S84.22XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level, left leg, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S84.22XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at lower leg level, left leg, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S94.3",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S94.30",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level, unspecified leg"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S94.30XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level, unspecified leg, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S94.30XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level, unspecified leg, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S94.30XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level, unspecified leg, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S94.31",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level, right leg"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S94.31XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level, right leg, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S94.31XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level, right leg, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S94.31XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level, right leg, sequela"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S94.32",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level, left leg"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S94.32XA",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level, left leg, initial encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S94.32XD",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level, left leg, subsequent encounter"
"system" : "",
"version" : "2025",
"code" : "S94.32XS",
"display" : "Injury of cutaneous sensory nerve at ankle and foot level, left leg, sequela"
"text" : {
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.